MySolutions Personalized Ecosystem is based on patient-matched surgical guides, advanced planning and verification tools, augmented reality-based personalized execution, patient optimized pathway and clinical data collection and analysis.
MyKnee®, a set of 3D printed patient-specific guides, was the first element of the MySolutions Personalized Ecosystem to be introduced to the market, to address an unmet need for more accurate implant positioning in total knee replacement. MySolutions patient-matched instruments have since been extended to hip (
MyHip®), shoulder (
MyShoulder®) and spine (
MySpine®) procedures.
“I started using MyKnee in 2010 and I have now performed more than 1,800 surgeries with this technology. It has been a great addition to my practice! I really appreciate the speed, efficiency and the accuracy that this product adds to the surgical procedure, from the web-based preoperative planning tool, which I can access from my laptop or from any mobile device to the ease of use in the O.R. and the streamlined surgical flow,” says Dr. Tyler Goldberg, orthopedic surgeon at the Austin Orthopedic Institute, in Texas, one of the first MyKnee users in the United States. “The benefits of this system are even more evident when managing the most challenging cases. By simply performing a preoperative CT or MRI scan of my patients, all intraoperative surprises can be avoided. In addition, the patients greatly appreciate that the surgical instruments I use are specifically designed for their own knee!”
Since the first MyKnee case in 2010, there are now more than 3,000 Surgeons using regularly Medacta MySolutions patient-matched guides in over 40 countries around the world.
“MySpine is a minimally invasive, patient and surgeon-specific technique that allows me to proceed exactly in the same way as in open surgery, but with much less muscle damage and blood loss, almost no radiation and in a shorter time, by supporting me with improved accuracy and safety during the critical steps of pedicle screw placement,” says Dr. Geert Mahieu, orthopedic surgeon at AZ Monica Deurne, in Antwerp, Belgium. “That’s why I prefer and use MySpine instead of conventional technology.”
To strengthen our support for the surgeon in providing personalized treatments for patients, we have recently made another step forward by launching the
NextARTM Augmented Reality Surgical Platform as part of our MySolutions Personalized Ecosystem. NextAR is the first platform to offer augmented reality-based intraoperative guidance for both joint replacement and spine procedures. This innovative solution features advanced planning tools, a revolutionary tracking system, and unique real-time guidance superimposed onto the operative field to enhance precision and enable data-driven decision-making. In line with Medacta's philosophy of healthcare sustainability, a single hardware with limited capital investment and per-case disposable cost will be able to host different applications, with additional economic benefits for the healthcare systems.
In addition to patient-matched surgical guides and AR-based solutions, the MySolutions Personalized Ecosystem includes:
Patient Optimized Pathway (POP®), an easy-to-use interactive tool designed to support patient education, preparation, rehabilitation, and monitoring, before, and after surgery, and to optimize communication from and to patients. This system can enable better management of patient expectations, increase patient compliance, and improve the overall patient care experience.
Advanced planning and verification tools, which allow for designing an optimal surgical strategy based on patient-unique anatomy and biomechanics, increasing confidence and reproducibility through semi-automated 3D planning and non-invasive intraoperative guidance.
MyClinicalData, a platform for clinical data collection and analysis, that can provide surgeons with valuable insights and support data-driven decision-making.
Together with a comprehensive implant portfolio and uniquely refined surgical techniques, the MySolutions Personalized Ecosystem empowers Medacta’s holistic approach to personalized medicine, aiming at bringing value at every step throughout the entire patient journey from preoperative through postoperative care, while supporting surgeons to improve patient outcomes and maximizing value for the healthcare system.
With the MySolutions Personalized Ecosystem, the surgeon is never alone. The
M.O.R.E. Institute is at the forefront of education for Medacta’s procedures, products, and technologies, with tailored high-level educational pathways, supporting surgeons with targeted activities and an international network of experienced surgeons.